Friday, April 22, 2016

Ball Gags

Ball Gag Safety for Beginners
Posted on September 12, 2012by scarletrosefox

Gags are rather fun to use, especially ball gags. They leave the mouth open and while the person wearing it can still make a slight bit of muffled noise, I have noticed its more about that humiliation that it causes. As when you talk it is unintelligible, distorts your features and causes the wearer to drool. Knowing that you cannot control it can be a turn on for both the wearer and the person who put it on you.

However, like any BDSM accessory you want to know how to use it safely. While I am mentioned ball gags the most here, these are things that can be remembered with all gags.

What is a Ball Gag?

A ball gag is a gag made specifically for gagging and usually includes a ball of some sort on a piece of some sort of fabric. The ball is slipped into your captive’s mouth then you fasten the straps around your partners head to keep the gag in place.

They provide a full feeling for the person wearing it as they fill up the mouth nicely. However because of their large size, many people’s jaws can tire quicker then they would with other gags. So it pays to take the time and do the research on the gags you plan to get. Find out measurements to make sure it is going to be comfortable but still do what it is that you want from your gag.

Also, keep in mind fabrics being used in the construction of the ball gag. I find that leather and suede tend to bite less into the skin they say one made with rubber straps. And a ball made from silicone or is best. Hard plastic ball gags have the worry that you may chip a tooth if you are biting down to hard on it. Rubber, while it does have give you do need to be careful in using because of chemicals that rubber can contain like phthalates.


Seeming you cannot be heard at least not very well, trying to use your safe word when you have a ball gag in your mouth is hard and at most, just downright unusable. So what is one to do instead so that they are able to inform their Dom/Top that they need to stop.

An Object in the Hand – Holding a ball that you can drop, a bell that you can ring or any other object that brings attention to itself.

Repeated Movement – Such as opening and closing your hands, snapping your fingers or moving the head up and down.

Repeated Sound – Making a number of rhythmic grunts or other pre-defined noises that can be made clearly with the gag in place.

Check in – Having your Dom/Top check in with you either verbally or if you have become nonverbal due to subspace placing a finger in the Sub/Bottoms hand to squeeze.

Clear Breathing

A gag does interfere with breathing, you never want to leave a gagged play partner unattended. Also, gags should not be used unless the nasal passage way is completely clear. In this case vented ball gags made with whiffle like balls can be much safer then solid balls. Though they can be harder to clean and sanitize due to getting saliva in the ball itself.

In the same vein, gags can sometimes induce vomiting because it may trigger the gag reflex. If they where to still be gagged when vomiting it could be fatal.


On this one I speak more from personal experience, as it has happened to me. I have found that the best positions when using a ball gag are when you are in an upright position (sitting up, standing up) or when your head is pointing down. I found this allows for any saliva build up to be able to move in a way that isn’t back down the throat that could lead to more gagging.

Don’t forget your Jaw!

If you have any jaw injuries it can make wearing a ball gag slightly uncomfortable. You don’t have to avoid it, but you do what to modify your play slightly.

A ball gag shouldn’t be worn for more than 10 to 20 minutes at a time when you are starting out. Your muscles can become fatigued, and less resilient as you are playing with the muscles in your jaw and mouth. As soon as it becomes too painful, take it out. As you become more experienced with gags you can certainly wear them for longer periods of time. But remember, using gags too often can actually injure your jaw.

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